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The Gable Ends

For the gable ends, we are using another natural building technique, where a lath is stuffed with straw that has been coated in a a clay slip (clay blended in water to make a thick, latex like liquid). This is what creates the insulation, and then the wall can be finished in any way desired, inside and out. Earthen plasters work exceptionally well, because they "grab on" to the straw and form an extremely strong bond.

We have finished stuffing one gable end, and just started on the other today. We plastered the inside of the one with 4 coats of earthen plaster. Our mix was similar to the mix that we used in the cordwood, only we used an extra part manure in place of the sawdust and doubled the flour glue, psyllium and kefir. The outside will be finished with cedar shakes next spring.

It's a pretty bad pic, but it's all we've got for now...

Metal roofing going on. Turned out to be a pretty straight roof for round poles, if I do say so myself. Happy
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